23 October 2020

Allotment of Govt Waste Land and Exemption of Property Tax/Stamp duty exemption




1.         The State Govt have reserved 3 percent houses under HIG/MIG/LIG and EWS constructed by A.P. Housing board for serving personnel and Ex-Servicemen.


2.         17. 5 percent of Industrial Plots/Sheds on Industrials Estate/Industrial development areas of the A.P. Infrastructure co-operation has been reserved for Ex-Servicemen for establishment of small scale industries.


3.         Exemption from property tax for one house/property of Ex-Servicemen/widows/serving personnel when it is occupied by the Widow/Ex-Serviceman and by the family in case of serving personnel for their self dwelling purpose.(Auth : In Municipal Limits GO Ms.No.83 MA, dt.15-03-1997 of MA and UD (TC) Deptt & In Gram Panchayat areas GO Ms No. 371, dtd. 20-11-2003 of PR and Rural Development (PTS-III) Deptt.


4.         NCOs and below are entitled for 5 acres of dry land or 2.5 acres wet land.


5.         Allotment of house site of 300 Sq yards at the Headquarters to the war widow/dependents of defence personnel killed in action and war disabled Ex-Servicemen of other than OP VIJAY vide GO MS No 92 of Home(General. C) Department dated 30 May 2005.


6.         In case of Armed Forces Personnel Killed in Action/Disabled in Action in “OP VIJAY” whose native place is a rural area, the allotment of house site would be upto 300 Sq yards at the native place. In case of the native place being in urban areas, in addition to house site allotment facility already available under the existing rules, out of turn allotment of one residential flat/ house in an APHB project would be made available on cost basis at the rate applicable. Details in website www.apsainikwelfare.gov.in




1.         2% reserved quota is available for allotment of Plot/flat to Ex-servicemen and their families by the Goa Housing Board.


2.         The Govt. has exempted the payment of stamp duty to the Ex-servicemen and their widows for their personal benefits and not for instrumental, commercial, business for real estate activities.


3.         Ex-Servicemen/Widows of Ex-Servicemen are exempted from the payment of

House Tax.





1.         Reservation/preferential allotment of plot/flat from State Housing Board/Development Authority to the war widows.




1.         5 percent reservation of industrial plots/sheds for Ex-Servicemen.

2.         Rent Control Act has been amended for self-occupation of own house after retirement.

3.         5% Reservation of Industrial plots/sheds.




1.         Reservation of 10 percent in allotment of houses/Plots in Bihar State Housing Board.


2.         Favourable provisions in Rent Control Act for ESM to get their houses vacated from tenants.



3.         Reservation of Industrial plots/sheds - 5 percent.





1.         percent reservation each in allotment of Industrial Plots/sheds and Fair Price Shops to Ex-Servicemen.


2.          percent reservation each in allotment of house sites, houses and National Permits for Ex-Servicemen.


3.         Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act favourable to Ex-Servicemen/dependents.


4.         Allotment of 5 acres of agricultural land to Ex-Servicemen whose total income does not exceed pension of a Sub Maj.


5.         50 percent exemption in House Tax to non-income tax payee ESM.





1.         Rent control Act has been amended to facilitate resumption of houses/flats by Service personnel on their retirement.


2.         Priority allotment of flats to gallantry (Chakra series) award winners.


3.         100% property tax exemption to war widows/Ex-Servicemen who are Gallantry Award Winners for self occupied, not rented out property and 30% rebate in property tax for Ex-Servicemen provided the house is in their name, is self -occupied and not rented out, which is applicable to only one unit of property.





1.         10% reservation of houses for Defence personnel by Gujarat Housing Board. 2 gunthas of land for house-sites for Ex-Servicemen whose monthly income is upto Rs 3000/- excluding pension.


2.         Concessions by the GIDC to Ex-Servicemen for establishment of SSI Units in GIDC Industrial Estate on priority basis.


3.         Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act amended in favour of Ex-servicemen/ widows/dependents.


4.         Land for agricultural activities upto 16 acres to the NOKs of martyrs of OP VIJAY irrespective of his rank and tenure of service.


5.         2 gunthas land for construction of house for NOKs of OP VIJAY martyrs in urban areas.





1.         Exemption of House Tax when self-occupied.


2.         10 percent reservation of Houses, national permits and Residential Plots.


3.         Building and lands used as Sainik Rest Houses are exempted from property tax.


4.         Waste land of Armed Forces Personnel will not be taken over under utilization of Land Acts.


5.         Plots for defence colonies at Rohtak, Jhajjar, Hissar and Jind have been allotted and applications for defence colony at Rewari have been invited.





1.         Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of examination fee, court fee, Stamp Duty and registration fee.


2.         Grant of exemption to Ex-Servicemen from payment of municipal Taxes provided the building/land not occupied by him and rental value/annual income does not exceed Rs. 1,200-2,400/-.


3.         Rent Control Act amended for resumption of houses by service personnel on their retirement. Land Tenancy Act has also been amended.


4.         10 percent reservation for allotment of house-sites and houses/flats.


5.         For family of OP Vijay martyrs - Widows are given priority in Indira Awas Yojna. 10 percent reservation of houses/plots.







1.         Agricultural land and house protection.

2.         5% reservation in housing and industrial plots with 2% each for serving and ESM and 1% for widows.





1.         Allotment of 2 acres land for cultivation to serving soldier/ESM and 12.5 decimal for housing.





1.         10 percent of the house-sites and houses are reserved for allotment by all Urban Development authority for serving personnel/Ex-Servicemen and families of serving personnel died in service.


2.         Special provision exists in the Rent Control act and land Reforms act for Ex-Servicemen.


3.         House Tax Concession for War Widows and Gallantry Award Winders ranging from Rs. 500/- to Rs. 2,000/- per annum.


4.         Two acres of wet or four acres of rainfed or eight acres of dry land are given to the families of service personnel killed in action free of cost. If land is not available for allotment, a cash grant of Rs. 1,00,000/- to the war widows.





1.         Reservation of 10 percent of surplus land for Ex-Servicemen in each village (under rule II (A) of the Kerala Land Assignment Rule). Under rule 6 of the arable forestland assignment rule 1970, 1/12 of the available assignment land in each district shall be reserved for assignment to Ex-Servicemen.


2.         Ex-servicemen and Widows are exempted from payment of House Tax, in Panchayat/ Municipal and Corporation areas.






1.         Allotment of 5 acres of agricultural land to Ex-Servicemen whose total income does not exceed pension of a Sub Maj.


2.         Preferential allotment of Industrial Plots/sheds and Fair Price Shops to Ex-Servicemen.


3.         Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act favourable to Ex-Servicemen/dependents.


4.         50 percent House Tax exemption provided if ESM is not paying Income Tax.


5.         Plots of sizes 1200 to 1800 sq. ft @ 50 percent of minimum cost provided houses are constructed within 5 years.




1.         Rent control Act and Land Tenancy Act have been amended to facilitate resumption of House/land by ESM.


2.         Gallantry Award Winners and dependents of service personnel who died while in service are eligible for allotment of Flats out of 2 and 5 percent quota under certain schemes. (Auth: Govt of Maharashtra resolution No AGN/1184(2388)/KA-9 dated 14 Jul 1986 as amended).





1.         Reservation of House-sites 5 percent.




1.         Reservation of house sites/house plots to low income group of Ex-Servicemen subject to Meghalaya Land Transfer Act 1971 - 10 percent.





1.         Preference accorded to the disabled Ex-Servicemen including families of those killed in action in allotment of urban land for their rehabilitation.


2.         Exemption from payment of House Tax when occupied by self, agricultural land of one holding registered in the name of ex-Serviceman and exemption from entertainment tax.


3.         Remission of house and land revenue for Ex-Servicemen and during the life time of widow only. Memo No. LRR/A-96/88 dated 16th Sep 92.




1.         2 percentage reservation of Ex-Servicemen in industrial sheds and National permits, 5 percent in Jai Jawan Stalls and 3.5 percent in fair Price Shops.


2.         ESM belonging to State of Nagaland are exempted from paying of House Tax when under self-occupation




1.         5% reservation in allotment of houses/flats for ESM/Widows in Orissa State Housing Board Schemes.


3.         Five acres of Agriculture land is given to those Ex-Servicemen who served in certain specified areas during 24 Oct 1962 to 31 Jan 1964.


4.       Allotment of One Standard acre of land to landless ESM upto the rank of NCOs within 5 Km  perimeter of native village.


5.         Payment of reclamation charges for five acres of land @ Rs 250/- per acre to those who have been allotted 5 acres of land.


6.         2% reservation in allotment of House/Flats for Ex-Servicemen/Widows by Bhubaneswar Development Authority.






3.         Reservation in allotment of Industrial Plots – 5%, Gas Agency – 7.5%.


4.         Reservation for house site – 8% & Houses flats – 3%. Reservation in allotment of plots for Gallantry Awardee – 2%.


5.         Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act (for serving personnel only) are being amended to facilitate resumption of house / land by Ex-servicemen / Serving person.





1.         Reservation in allotment of industrial plots/sheds 2 percent, Salt plots-10 percent, Mines & Minerals – 10 percent, National permit-10 percent and House sites-10 percent & Houses-2 percent, Milk vending Booths-on priority.


2.         Provision of residential plots to Ex-Servicemen at village Panchayats.


3.         Priority in allotment of house-sites and constructed houses. 10 percent reservation of plots and 2 percent of flats for widows and Ex-Servicemen.


4.         Rent Control act and land tenancy act have been amended to facilitate resumption of land/houses by Ex-Servicemen.


5.         Exemption from payment of Municipal Tax on houses of Ex-Servicemen, widows and their minor children who are not income tax payee.


6.         Allotment of Barani or Sivaichak land upto 10 acres to Ex-Servicemen/Serving soldiers.


22.       Irrigated land 25 Bighas in canal area.




1.     Exemption from payment of House Tax and Entertainment Tax.





1.         Reservation of 10% in allotment of Plots/Industrial Sheds.


2.         Land Tenancy Act has been amended for resumption of land.


3.         7% reservation in allotment of house sites and houses for Ex-Servicemen/Widows developed by State Housing Board.


4.         Reimbursement of house tax to widows of Ex-Servicemen pensioners, war widows, war disabled and Gallantry Awards (Chakra Series) and to the widows who are in receipt of defence family pension for self occupied house.


5.         For OP Vijay Martyres - Allotment of HIG House/Flat free of coast.






1.         10 percent reservation of House /Flats for Ex-Servicemen, War widows & widows of Defence personnel.


2.         Partial exemption of House Tax within Agartala Municipality.


3.         Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act have been amended to facilitate resumption of land/houses to Ex-Servicemen.


4.         Priority for allotment of land to Ex-Servicemen after SC and ST categories.




1.         3 percent reservation in allotment of house plots and shops to the serving personnel, Ex-Servicemen and dependents of those killed in action, built by UP Awas-Vikas Parishad and the Vikash Pradhikaran, of the state


2.         . Rent Control Act and Land Tenancy Act have been amended to facilitate Ex-Servicemen in resumption of houses/land.


3.         Priority in allotment of Gram Sabha land by the Land management Committee to service Personnel killed (1st Priority), disabled in war (2nd Priority) and landless Ex-Servicemen (6th Priority).


4.         Priority in allotment of Defence land up to 5 acres on lease for 5 years by Cantt Board to those Ex-Servicemen who do not hold more than 2.5 acres of land.


5.         First priority in allotment of land to war widows.


1. 5%  reservation on allotment of WBHB flat/plot